For the latest Roseau School construction update dated provided on October 21, 2002 please click on . If you are interested in a tour of the construction project please call me at 218-463-6366. Thank you for making great things possible for our district. Sincerely, Tom Jerome, Superintendent
about 2 years ago, Tom Jerome
For the most recent update on construction progress at the Roseau School please click on link to see exciting new progress!
about 2 years ago, Tom Jerome
Roseau students enjoyed a great day at the school forest today! Thank you to Mr. Eidsmoe for organizing and to all staff members and volunteers who made today possible! 😀 🌲
about 2 years ago, Tom Jerome
Each Friday, our Roseau Rams are encouraged to show Ram Pride by WEARING their Ram Pride gear and colors: green and white. Each week the name of one elementary student is drawn. If that student is wearing their Ram Pride that day, they receive a $5 prize from the Roseau PTO and their picture will be posted on Facebook. On Fridays, we also draw 10 student names from all of the Ram Pride tickets that have been turned in throughout the week. Those 10 students have their pictures displayed in the hallway at school, have their names announced on the radio, and they participate in a short recognition time at the start of the day.
over 2 years ago, Principal McGuire
Ram Pride
Remember to check your Skyward account and update with your most current contact information!
over 2 years ago, Principal McGuire